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Online Learning
Interactive live learning

Our online learning platform offers interactive live learning, with personalized training routines for each student.

We use Google Meets for critique, teaching, and Q&A sessions, and students can also submit videos for review. Each Monday, students receive their lesson plan, including warm-ups, techniques, and cool down routines. Session times may vary as we constantly improve our training methods. Our platform provides a dynamic and personalized learning experience, allowing students to engage with the curriculum in a flexible and interactive manner.


Through live sessions and video submissions, we ensure that each student receives personalized feedback and guidance to enhance their learning experience. By leveraging the power of online connectivity, we offer a seamless and effective learning environment that caters to the unique needs of each student. Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that our training methods are always evolving to provide the best possible learning experience for our students.


Remote learning
Weekly private lessons via video learning

We offer a comprehensive remote fitness platform that provides personalized training and support. Here's what sets us apart:

  • Personalized Training: Each student receives a weekly personalized training routine tailored to their goals and needs.

  • Interactive Sessions: We use Google Meet for live sessions, allowing us to critique, teach new material, and answer questions about the curriculum in real time.

  • Video Feedback: Students can submit videos of their workouts for review, ensuring they receive personalized feedback on their form and technique.

  • Structured Learning: Every Monday, students receive a detailed lesson plan covering warm-ups, techniques, form training sets, and cool down routines.

  • Flexible Schedule: Our online session times may vary as we continuously improve our training methods to provide the best experience for our students.

Join our remote fitness platform and experience personalized training and support from the comfort of your own home.

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